So, I did it! I went to
Half Price Books and dropped off my book collection, over half my DVD collection and my CD collection. The price they gave me for this collection... a whopping $85.60! These were all worth $85.60?!?!?! I had the urge to take them all back, as if to defend my collection like it was insulted or something. I did not, I walked away slowly.
Now, after handing over this collection... they handed me a receipt to collect my cash at the front desk. I think this is one of the few instances that I actually
felt my heart murmur. I broke into a bit of a cold sweat. I was mumbling something when I got to the front register. John, the cashier looks at me and smiles. I stared at him blankly for a moment, then said, "I just gave away all of my books." He looks at me sympathetically with an edge of kind humor, "it's okay, just breathe." "I'm trying."
I seriously sat in my car in shock for about 10 minutes in the parking lot. I could not decide if I wanted to cry, cry or call a sponsor. But, after it all sunk in... I felt relieved... like a
HUGE burden had been lifted off of my back. I smiled and congratulated myself and drove away.
I realized later that in my haste to haul everything into my car and to Half Price Books (before I talked myself out of it) that I
forgot a bag of books. I am pretty irritated at myself for this. Since then, I have found additional books kicking around my house and garage. I have SO many books! Blarg!!!
So it appears I will be making another trip to Half Price Books. I was pleased to find out that they pay money for old game systems. That means I can offload my Super Nintendo, my GameCube and games for a bit of moola too.
All in all, I feel accomplished. I did something I did not think I could do. Facing my fears, one step at a time.