Did I mention that I am really attached to my books, cause I am. Since yesterday, I did cut them down in half. Prior to that, I had whined on my various social media platforms about it. My friend Doc, (who is one of the most awesome and inspirational women to walk the planet), said something that hit the nail on the head: "The great thing about books, though, is that they just keep on making more of them. Unless it's an autographed copy or an out of print volume, you can easily get your hands on it again. All the libraries I hit in my cross-nation road trips were awesome to me, and allowed me access to the 'net and their books. Even in Page, AZ (although I had to pay a dollar for the card)."

I have had a rule, that I am not allowed to go into physical book stores. I set this in place a couple months ago, when I decided that I needed the Anita Blake series on a whim and came home with 20 books. It is a sickness, considering I have not made the time to read them yet.
So today, on the way to a friends house I am going to bring my books to Half Price Books to see what they will pay me for. There may even be a few tears as I hand them over. Hopefully, I make a few bucks as many of them are in very good condition. Additionally, I am not allowed to walk out with anymore of them (insert decisive foot stomp here).
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